Skykomish & Snohomish River Valleys
In The Press
Through year-round public relations effort, Seattle NorthCountry works hard to keep awareness of our destination, region, and valued tourism partners high among media, influencers, and ultimately the traveling public.

Public Relations
In addition to drafting and distributing press releases throughout the year, we also conduct proactive outreach efforts, field and manage inquiries from media near and far, and coordinate individual media/influencer visits to the region. Chances are good that if you see, hear, or read about Seattle NorthCountry in the press, the PR team probably had a hand in it.

Please consider us a resource available at your disposal to assist your internal marketing and PR teams with a variety of services, including but not limited to: reviewing and vetting media/influencer inquiries; gathering images, information, and other assets to fulfill media/influencer requests; assisting with the coordination of media visit itineraries; distributing information related to your own news, events, etc.; and acting as a resource for all things Seattle NorthCountry.

The PR Team
For questions related to the public relations effort or any of the content in this section of the site, please email Justin Yax ( or Nina Braga ( at DVA Advertising & Public Relations.
Yeah, we're that big
Think of Seattle NorthCountry - in Snohomish County, WA - as four unique visitor regions. Tap any region on the map below to start exploring now.

Salish Sea Coastal Communities
The inland sea is most of who we are. It’s the source of food and weather, transportation and inspiration. The saltwater offers a sparkling view, a respite, and a place to play…

Urban Basecamp
Urban Basecamp is the diverse, metropolitan heart of Seattle NorthCountry. Artists can afford to live in these old brick and timber mill cities; makers are tucked away in urban spaces, painting, jamming…

Stillaguamish & Sauk River Valleys
Rooted in folkways - where older traditions meet modern iterations of Pacific Northwest culture - the small working towns of this valley still resonate with stories of indgenous peoples, lumberjack and mining…