Skykomish & Snohomish River Valleys
Hotel-Motel Small Fund
The Hotel-Motel Small Fund Grant Round for 2025 Projects will open from June 19, 2024 through August 28, 2024.
Please submit all completed 2025 Hotel-Motel Grant Applications along with required attachments to by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, August 28, 2024.
No hard copy Application Packages will be accepted at this time.
Title your Completed Application Package and all attachments using the following:
- 2025 Hotel-Motel Grant Application Package / Organization Name
- 2025 Letters of Reference / Organization Name
- 2025 Marketing Plan / Organization Name (if applicable)
- 2025 Project Budget / Organization Name (if applicable)
- W9 / Organization Name
If you have any questions, please reach out to Trudy Soriano at
For additional application instruction, a review of grading criteria, and grant recipient next steps, please review the grant workshop material:
2022 GRANT WORKSHOP RECORDING (Passcode: hotelmotel23!)

Helpful reports, plans, and resources to strengthen and inform grant project proposals:
- Seattle NorthCountry Brand Reveal – About the destination brand and what it is designed to do
- Seattle NorthCountry's Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform - Access and download regional logos, photos, and videos for marketing and branding projects
- 2024-2027 Strategic Tourism Plan - Countywide tourism goals and initiatives

Priorities of the Hotel-Motel Small Fund Grant are to grow visitation and overnights per Snohomish County Code (SCC) 4.40.060 for projects or purposes authorized under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 67.28.
The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) will be score projects based on the following evaluation criteria:
Scope of Work & Budget (15%)
- Is the project a good fit for Hotel-Motel Grant funding?
- Does the project support 2024-2027 Snohomish County Strategic Tourism Plan?
Marketing (25%)
- Does the project marketing plan explain how it will efficiently reach audiences outside of Snohomish County, specifically audiences outside of the 50+ mile radius?
- Does the project prioritize digital marketing over print marketing?
Overnight Stays (30%)
- Is the project likely to attract overnight stays?
- Does the project quantify the anticipated stays and offer a credible method for corroborating the projections?
- If the project doesn’t directly result in overnights, does the project quantify how it supports visitation to Snohomish County and/or encourage future overnight stays?
Economic Impact (20%)
- Does the project provide significant economic impact?
- Does the project provide a tangible return on investment for Hotel-Motel funds?
- Does the project tie into the Snohomish County Climate Economy Initiative?
Cooperative Commitments (10%)
- What degree of support does the proposed project demonstrate from other sources and/or partners?
- If applicable, has the project sponsor applied to, and/or received financial or in-kind support from its own, or other municipal Lodging Tax Grant Funds?
Innovation (BONUS)
If the applicant has applied in previous years, does the applicant demonstrate how Hotel-Motel funds will be used to adapt or grow the project?
Does the project represent an unusual approach, or move the county Hotel-Motel Small Fund Grant program in an exciting new direction?
Does the project prioritize sustainable practices or offer visitor sustainable travel options?

Costs Eligible for County Reimbursement | Costs NOT Eligible for County Reimbursement | Costs Eligible for Match Funds |
Project operational costs-i.e. Facility/equipment rentals and catering | Non-project operational/ administrative costs-i.e. Maintenance and repairs | Personnel costs-i.e. Mileage |
Promotion & Marketing-i.e. material design and layout, ad placement, printing, and postage | Personnel costs-i.e. Wages & benefits | Volunteer hours -Estimated using 2024 national average of $33.49 per hour |
Outreach & Communications | Alcohol | Donated Items |
Transportation |

How are Snohomish County Hotel-Motel Grant Funds generated?
Snohomish County Hotel-Motel “Small Fund” Grant dollars are sourced through sales taxes collected on hotel and motel room rentals within county lines, under the guidelines outlined in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 67.28 and Snohomish County Code (SCC) 4.40. to support projects that promote tourism in Snohomish County.
Who scores and reviews grant applications?
The Snohomish County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) meets annually in the fall to review, evaluate, and recommend project funding for awards for the Hotel-Motel Small Fund Grant. LTAC recommendations for projects and spending plans are reviewed by the County Council for final approval. Members of the LTAC are appointed to the committee by the County Council.
Who administers Snohomish County Hotel-Motel Grant Funds?
The Snohomish County Executive’s Office administers the Hotel-Motel grant program. County staff will employ every opportunity to inform potential applicants about the funding process and eligibility criteria; provide technical assistance with project proposal preparation; contract development and execution; project monitoring and reporting. Contact, for more information.
What are the qualifications for applying to the Snohomish County Hotel-Motel Grant?
As defined in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 67.28 and Snohomish County Code (SCC) 4.40, applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications to apply to the Snohomish County Hotel-Motel Grant:
- Applicants must be either a public or non-profit entity with the demonstrated capacity to accomplish the proposed projects.
- All projects must fall under one of the following categories outlined in RCW 67.28.1816:
☐ Tourism Promotion/Marketing
☐ Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists
☐ Operation of a Tourism Promotion Agency
☐ Operation of a Tourism-Related Facility owned or operated by a municipality or public facilities district
☐ Capital Costs of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a municipality or public facilities district
- All projects must take place during the 2025 calendar year and be completed by December 15, 2025.
- Applicants must demonstrate the ability to provide a qualifying 25% match of the total project cost. Qualifying matches include cash contributions, in-kind services, or combinations of both. This includes personnel costs (wages, benefits, etc.).
When will I know if my project has received grant funding?
- In mid to late September of the application year, the LTAC will review all Hotel-Motel Grant applications for following year's funding and make recommendations on funding levels for each project.
- In October of the application year, LTAC recommendations will be presented to Snohomish County Council for final review and approval.
- After the Snohomish County Council gives final approval of projects and spending plans, county staff will notify the project sponsor of the approval, and aid with next steps. We anticipate these notifications will go out in late October, early November of the application year.
- Prior to the end of the application year, county staff will work with the project sponsor to develop a governing contract for the approved project budget that shall include a defined scope of work, project deliverables, execution timeline, and expenditures that are eligible for reimbursement.
- In the grant calendar year, the county and project sponsor will sign the governing contract.
If awarded funding, what are my next steps?
- At the start of the grant cycle calendar year, each applicant must enter a Municipal Services Contract with Snohomish County.
- The applicant is required to provide liability insurance for the duration of the contract naming Snohomish County as additional insured and, in an amount, determined by the County.
- The applicant is required to provide an up-to-date W9.
The project sponsor must receive a Notice to Proceed from Snohomish County before incurring any project expenses eligible for reimbursement.
- Once the grant project is completed, Snohomish County will reimburse those costs incurred and paid for by the applicant. A Request for Reimbursement form, copies of invoices, and proof of payment documentation must be submitted to Snohomish County prior to reimbursement.
- Each applicant will also be required to submit a Final Report documenting economic impact results in a format determined by the County.
How will I receive Hotel-Motel Grant dollars?
- The Snohomish County Hotel-Motel Grant is a reimbursement-based grant.
- Once the grant project is completed, Snohomish County will reimburse those costs incurred and paid for by the applicant.
- A Request for Reimbursement form, copies of invoices, and proof of payment documentation must be submitted to Snohomish County prior to reimbursement.

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